Thursday, 30 December 2010

Marking Time

Unfortunately, I was unable to do much GOGAS work today; we are having friends over tomorrow to see in the New Year, and I was occupied mostly in shopping, getting the various ingredients for the recipes. A cake tin of the right size for the chocolate brownies eludes me.

However, I might as well mention the W S Gilbert Society website at - I added a lot of stuff to it yesterday and is now looking pretty serviceable. The old website has now disappeared, because UKOnline, who hosted it, are being taken over by another company.... Virgin, I think. Hence the new address. Now all I have to do is tell everyone about it.

I also need to arrange to extend deadlines for certain articles which I have promised. Christmas and New Year always take up more of my time than I expect. But next week (sigh, next week) should be better.

As this is turning into an amazingly dull entry, let me spice it up a little with a pic of the man himself. It isn't one of the well known photos, and I like it a lot. Most portraits of Gilbert show him as a pretty grim and formidable character, but here he has a twinkle in his eyes and... can that be a smile underneath the moustache? The picture is from a cigarette card (Ogden's Guinea Gold Cigarettes) and the caption reads: "W.S. GILBERT The famous Librettist who has produced so many charming Operas in collaboration with the late Sir Arthur Sullivan."

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