Thursday, 2 June 2011

Why be a writer?

I've decided not to post the articles that have been rejected (through inaction) by a certain newspaper. Not yet, anyway. They might still change their mind, or rather, decide tardily to make up their mind, and I suppose I had better not get their backs up too much in the meantime.

I wouldn't recommend anyone to be a writer. Even now that my book is published, no one outside a small circle of enthusiasts appears to be interested in it, and none of the nationals has shown the slightest interest in reviewing it, even though it contains substantial new info on one of the most influential writers in the English language and is (though I say it myself) ruddy well written.

It is also no way to get rich.

Unfortunately, becoming a writer isn't really a matter of choice. It's a kind of compulsion. I write plays and don't get paid for it, I have written a book for which I have been paid a small amount (now blown to the four winds) and which I happily promote for no money and in fact at personal expense. How do they do it, the rich writers? Will Self and the other guys whose names I can't think of at the moment? They are keep themselves airborne somehow, despite the fact that minimal numbers of people appear to read their works.

It's a mystery.

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