Friday, 6 May 2011

Counting my Blessings

The continuing absence of reviews of my book, among other things (such as the fact that the company I was interviewed by on Tuesday still haven't got back to me and my money situation is not brilliant), has led to my going through some pretty black moods of late. Have I wasted two years of my life?

So maybe I need to focus on the good things that have been happening to me. I have done four radio interviews--the last one, for BBC Radio Lincolnshire last Sunday, was actually rather fun--and, who knows, maybe they have led to a few more sales. I have a talk coming up at the Redbridge Media Festival in London (23 May). I have an offer on signed copies of the book, and people do keep requesting these. If I'm struggling to keep afloat, that's my fault; I should have asked extortionate prices for signed copies.

Some people I respect have said very nice things about the book. That it's the best biography of Gilbert yet written, that it's readable (a very rare quality in a biography these days).

Maybe, just maybe, I will get money from the book as well. Maybe, just maybe, people will start asking me to write articles for money on the back of it. It hasn't happened so far, but who knows? I want to be a professional writer; I believe the book shows I have the skills to do it. It will only take a few appropriate people to agree with this for the whole situation to change.

If the prospective employers phone me back, that will be good, too. Quite soon for preference.

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