Wednesday, 18 May 2011


It's been a few days since I wrote an entry here, so I'd better bring you up to date. I've been busy being interviewed on BBC Radio--Radio Scotland, Lincolnshire, York, and Leeds. I don't feel like a natural broadcaster at all--I hesitate too much and in at least one interview replied to every question with the word "Absolutely." Still, that's done now. On 23 May I'm appearing at the Redbridge Media and Literature Festival talking about Gilbert, and on 12 June I'll do another talk at Waterstones in Bradford. These should be less stressful (I think!) because at least I'll be able to see my audience.

I've had a five star review for the book on, which is brilliant, and Stage should be publishing an interview/review in a week or two. 23-27 May sees the BBC Radio 4 series Gilbert's Glory, including soundbites from me and a plug for the book, so fingers crossed, we may get some new readers from that as well.

There's a quite painful split in my life at the moment. It's all very successful in terms of public face--I have a book out, it's very well received so far (in so far as there has been any reception at all), and I'm actually being heard by more people than have ever heard me before, even if they didn't especially want to. But at the same time, I am jobless and effectively penniless. I actually have little idea what the future holds. It may end in disaster, and quite soon. I can only keep faith in my star, which has actually treated me pretty well in life so far. I don't know, maybe most writers are like this. But it's quite scary.

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