Monday, 11 April 2011

The W S Gilbert Society

It's strange how events crowd together. Through no one's fault the release of the book (two weeks ago) was followed last week by the printing of the latest W S Gilbert Society Journal, which I, as the Society's Secretary, had then to send out to the Society's members. That was last week. And in two days' time, a play that I wrote two years ago, called Working Lives, will be performed at the Bradford Playhouse as part of a new writing festival (and I'm supposed to be finding some last-minute props....)

This is in addition to the imminent prospect of a full-time job, coming at precisely the point when I am starting desperately to need the money.

The W S Gilbert Society has been going since 1985 but is still quite a small concern, with a membership of about 130. It should be much more, but at the same time I'm sort of glad it isn't, because the job of sending out the Journals would be so much less manageable.... It publishes a Journal twice a year, full of new information and ideas about the man and his work. What can I say? I'd be delighted if you wanted to join. Click on the link above, and you can do it.

I am also trying to write a novel. I've just written a little passage which puts into words how I feel for much of the time: as if there were too much for me to do in life and at the same time too little; it's as if nothingness were a physically real thing, which gets in the way of the somethings which I ought to be doing.

Speaking of which....

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